
Center for Economics and Econometrics was founded in 1994 at Boğaziçi University (BU), Istanbul. Its primary mission is to bring together economists, solid in modern theory and analysis, and enable them conduct policy-oriented research. The research associates of CEE include staff from major universities and institutions.

All research associates have hands on experience with empirical issues and large data bases, including survey data. Several research staff held senior positions in national and international organizations such as the CBRT, TURKSTAT, the Treasury, the World Bank, IMF, IFC, WTO, EBRD, UNCTAD and UNIDO.

Professor Refik Erzan is the Honorary Chairperson of CEE. The Director of CEE is Professor Gökhan Özertan. The Deputy Directors are Associate Professors Begüm ÖzkaynakProfessors Burak Saltoğlu and Professors Burçay Erus.  For the rest of our research associates, please click here.